Kentucky Cream Pull Candy is a classic Southern treat that's really fun to make at home. This candy starts with just cream and sugar, but turns into something really special. You cook it, pull it like taffy, and then let it sit overnight. The next day, you've got a smooth, creamy candy that just melts in your mouth. It's a bit of work, but the result is so worth it. If you like making sweets at home, you should give this one a try. It's a great way to impress your friends and family with a unique, homemade candy.

Kentucky Cream Pull Candy
Kentucky cream pull candy |

Kentucky Cream Pull Candy is a well-loved Southern treat that's been making folks happy for ages. This old-school sweet, also called Traditional Cream Pull Candy, shows off the skill of candy-making. With its super smooth feel and deep, creamy taste, it's no surprise this sweet has stuck around so long. If you've never tried making Homemade Cream Candy before, you're in for a real treat - both in how you make it and how it turns out!

This Old-Fashioned Cream Pull candy ain't just a sugary snack; it's a piece of Kentucky's food history. The way you make this candy is just as much fun as eating it. The "pulling" part gives it that special feel and look, making each batch one-of-a-kind.

Whether you're trying to bring back a childhood favorite or want to try your hand at a new candy-making challenge, this Kentucky Cream Pull Candy recipe is gonna knock your socks off. So, roll up those sleeves, grab your candy thermometer, and let's jump into the sweet world of cream pull candy!

Why This Kentucky Cream Pull Candy Recipe is a Must-Try

There's tons of reasons to give this Traditional Cream Pull Candy recipe a go. Here's just a few:

  • It's the real deal: This recipe sticks to the original Kentucky cream candy, giving you a true taste of Southern tradition.
  • It's pretty simple: Even though it looks fancy, the recipe only needs a handful of stuff you probably already have.
  • You can mix it up: Once you get the hang of it, you can play around with different flavors and add-ins.
  • It looks awesome: The shiny, pillow-like bits of candy make for great gifts or party favors.
  • It's fun to make: The pulling part isn't just important for how the candy turns out, it's also a blast to do, especially with friends or family.
  • It's got a unique feel: The pulling trick makes it melt in your mouth in a way that's hard to find in store-bought candies.

Stuff You Need for Kentucky Cream Pull Candy

Before we start cooking, let's get our ingredients together. For this Old-Fashioned Cream Pull candy, you'll need:

  • 3 cups regular sugar
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1/4 cup light corn syrup
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Let's break down each ingredient and why it's important in our Homemade Cream Candy:

Regular Sugar

This is the main sweet stuff in our candy. You gotta use regular sugar 'cause it melts easy and makes the right texture.

Heavy Cream

This gives our candy its rich, creamy flavor and helps make it smooth. Don't try to use milk or half-and-half - the fat in heavy cream is super important.

Light Corn Syrup

Corn syrup stops the sugar from getting all grainy while we cook, which is key for getting the right feel. It also makes the candy a bit shiny.


Just a tiny bit, but it makes a big difference. Salt makes the sweet taste even better and adds some depth to the flavor.

Unsalted Butter

Butter makes it rich and helps it melt in your mouth. Make sure it's unsalted so we can control how salty the candy is.

Vanilla Extract

This adds a nice flavor that goes well with the sweetness. Use the real vanilla extract for the best taste.

Step-by-Step on How to Make Kentucky Cream Pull Candy

Now that we've got our stuff ready, let's walk through how to make this tasty Traditional Cream Pull Candy. Remember, making candy takes some patience and being careful, so take your time and follow each step.

1. Get Your Workspace Ready

Before you start cooking, set up your candy-making spot:

  • Grease a big baking sheet or marble slab with butter.
  • Have a candy thermometer handy.
  • Clear a big space for pulling the candy later.

2. Mix Your Ingredients

In a big, heavy-bottomed pot, mix together:

  • 3 cups regular sugar
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1/4 cup light corn syrup
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt

Stir it all up gently.

3. Cook the Mix

  1. Put the pot on medium heat.
  2. Keep stirring until the sugar's all melted.
  3. Once the sugar's melted, stop stirring and let it start to boil.
  4. Stick your candy thermometer on the side of the pot, making sure it don't touch the bottom.
  5. Cook without stirring until it hits 238°F (soft ball stage). This usually takes about 15-20 minutes.

4. Add Butter and Vanilla

  1. When the mix hits 238°F, take it off the heat.
  2. Put in 2 tablespoons of unsalted butter and 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract.
  3. Don't stir! Just let the butter melt on top of the mix.

5. Let the Mix Cool

  1. Pour the hot stuff onto your greased baking sheet or marble slab.
  2. Don't scrape the pot - any sugar bits can make your candy grainy.
  3. Let it cool without touching it until you can touch it (about 110°F). This usually takes 30-40 minutes.

6. Pull the Candy

This is where the magic happens and your mix turns into Kentucky Cream Pull Candy:

  1. With buttered hands, start folding the edges of the candy towards the middle.
  2. Once it's cool enough to handle, start pulling the candy.
  3. Pull the candy into a rope about 2 feet long, then fold it back on itself.
  4. Keep doing this pulling and folding for about 5-10 minutes.
  5. As you pull, the candy will get lighter in color and start to look shiny.
  6. The candy's ready when it's light in color, shiny, and starts to get stiff.

7. Shape and Cut

  1. Once you've pulled the candy enough, shape it into a long rope about 1/2 inch thick.
  2. Using clean, sharp scissors, cut the rope into 1-inch pieces.
  3. Put the cut pieces on wax paper to cool all the way.

8. Store Your Homemade Cream Candy

Once it's totally cool, store your Kentucky Cream Pull Candy in a container that keeps air out, at room temperature. Put wax paper between layers so they don't stick. Your candy should stay good for about 2 weeks.

Tips for Perfect Kentucky Cream Pull Candy

Making Old-Fashioned Cream Pull candy can be tricky, but with these tips, you'll be a pro in no time:

  • Weather matters: Don't try to make this candy on humid days. Too much moisture in the air can stop the candy from setting right.
  • Use a good candy thermometer: Getting the temperature right is super important for the right texture.
  • Don't rush the cooling: Pulling the candy too soon can burn you. Be patient!
  • Keep pulling: The more you pull, the lighter and creamier your candy will be.
  • Work fast: Once you start pulling, work as quick as you can. The candy gets harder to pull as it cools.
  • If at first you don't succeed: Making candy takes practice. Don't get bummed if your first try isn't perfect.

Different Ways to Make Traditional Cream Pull Candy

Once you've got the hang of the basic Kentucky Cream Pull Candy recipe, why not try some different versions?

Flavored Cream Pull Candy

Try different extracts instead of vanilla:

  • Peppermint extract for a Christmas-y treat
  • Almond extract for a nutty flavor
  • Lemon or orange extract for a citrus-y twist

Chocolate Cream Pull Candy

Add 1/4 cup of unsweetened cocoa powder to the mix at the start for a chocolatey version.

Nut-Studded Cream Pull Candy

Sprinkle chopped nuts (like pecans or walnuts) over the candy just before cutting.

The Story Behind Kentucky Cream Pull Candy

Kentucky Cream Pull Candy, also called Kentucky Pulled Cream Candy or just Cream Pull Candy, has a long history in Southern tradition. This beloved sweet is thought to have started in the late 1800s or early 1900s in Kentucky.

We're not totally sure where the candy came from, but most folks think it came from European candy-making tricks brought to America by immigrants. The special pulling technique, which gives the candy its unique texture, was probably made up as a way to mix air into the sugar, making the candy lighter and creamier.

In Kentucky, making Cream Pull Candy became a cherished tradition, often done during holidays and special times. Families would get together to make big batches, with everyone taking turns to pull the candy. This group candy-making helped make it a big part of Kentucky's culture.

Today, Kentucky Cream Pull Candy is still a favorite treat, not just in Kentucky but all over the Southern US. While you can find it in some fancy candy shops, lots of people still like to make it at home, keeping the tradition going and passing it down to their kids and grandkids.

The Science of Pulling

The magic of Kentucky Cream Pull Candy is in its special texture, which comes from pulling the candy. But what's actually happening when we pull it?

When you pull the candy, you're basically mixing tiny air bubbles into the sugar mix. These air bubbles make it lighter and fluffier and give the candy its cloudy look.

As you pull, the candy also cools down and the sugar starts to form tiny crystals. The constant moving while pulling keeps these crystals really small, which is why Kentucky Cream Pull Candy feels so smooth and creamy.

Pulling also helps spread the flavors evenly through the candy. That's why it's important to add the butter and vanilla just before pouring the mix out to cool - they get mixed in well during the pulling part.

How to Serve and Enjoy Your Homemade Cream Candy

Now that you've made your own batch of Kentucky Cream Pull Candy, it's time to enjoy it! Here are some ideas for serving and savoring your homemade treat:

  • Serve it after dinner with coffee or tea.
  • Put it in pretty boxes or bags to give as a homemade gift.
  • Use it as a topping for ice cream or frozen yogurt.
  • Chop it up and mix it into cookies or brownies.
  • Serve it with other traditional Southern desserts for a themed dinner party.

Remember, Kentucky Cream Pull Candy tastes best at room temperature. If you've kept it in the fridge, let it warm up before eating for the best texture and flavor.

Getting Really Good at Making Kentucky Cream Pull Candy

Making Kentucky Cream Pull Candy is more than just following a recipe - it's about embracing a beloved Southern tradition and making something really special with your own two hands. While it might take some practice to get just right, the reward is a tasty, homemade treat that connects you to generations of candy makers before you.

Whether you're making it for a special occasion, giving it as a gift, or just to satisfy your sweet tooth, this Old-Fashioned Cream Pull candy is sure to impress. So go ahead, give it a try, and don't be surprised if making Kentucky Cream Pull Candy becomes your new favorite thing to do!