Imagine biting into a Crispy Potato Croquette 🥔, where the golden, crunchy exterior gives way to a soft, flavorful heart that melts in your mouth. These croquettes aren't just a dish; they're a journey to comfort food heaven. We elevate the humble potato with a mix of sharp cheese 🧀, fresh herbs 🌿, and a hint of garlic, creating a symphony of flavors. The secret ingredient? A dash of smoked paprika, adding depth and a smoky whisper that lingers after each bite. Perfect for impressing guests or indulging yourself, these croquettes promise to be the highlight of any dining experience.

Golden brown potato croquettes on a plate
Golden brown potato croquettes on a plate |

Potato croquettes are a delightful culinary creation that combines the creamy goodness of mashed potatoes with a crispy breadcrumb coating. Perfect as an appetizer or a snack, these croquettes are sure to be a hit at any gathering. Their versatility allows for various flavor enhancements, making them a favorite among both home cooks and professional chefs. In this article, we will guide you through a detailed and easy-to-follow recipe for making the most delicious potato croquettes right in your kitchen.


To ensure the best results, gather the following ingredients for your potato croquettes:

  • 2 cups mashed potatoes: Preferably chilled for better handling.
  • 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese: Adds a rich and savory flavor.
  • 1/4 cup freshly chopped parsley: Provides a fresh and vibrant taste.
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder: Enhances the overall flavor profile.
  • Salt and black pepper to taste: Season according to your preference.
  • 1 large egg, beaten: Helps bind the potato mixture together.
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour: For coating the croquettes before frying.
  • 2 large eggs, beaten: Used for the breading process.
  • 1 cup breadcrumbs: Provides the crunchy outer layer.
  • Vegetable oil: For frying the croquettes.

With these ingredients ready, you are now prepared to create a batch of irresistibly crispy and flavorful potato croquettes.


Follow these detailed steps to make your potato croquettes:

Step 1: Mix the Ingredients

In a large mixing bowl, combine the mashed potatoes, grated Parmesan cheese, chopped parsley, garlic powder, salt, black pepper, and the first beaten egg. Mix thoroughly until all ingredients are well incorporated. This mixture should be smooth and slightly sticky, making it easy to shape.

Step 2: Shape the Croquettes

Using your hands, shape the potato mixture into small logs or balls, about 2 inches long. This size ensures that the croquettes cook evenly and achieve the perfect crispy texture.

Step 3: Prepare the Breading Station

Set up a breading station with three shallow bowls. Place the all-purpose flour in the first bowl, the beaten eggs in the second bowl, and the breadcrumbs in the third bowl. This assembly line will make the breading process efficient and mess-free.

Step 4: Bread the Croquettes

Roll each shaped croquette in the flour, making sure to shake off any excess. Next, dip the croquette into the beaten eggs, allowing any excess to drip off. Finally, roll the croquette in the breadcrumbs, pressing gently to ensure it is fully coated. Repeat this process for all the croquettes.

Step 5: Fry the Croquettes

Heat vegetable oil in a large skillet or deep fryer to 350°F (175°C). Carefully add the breaded croquettes in small batches, avoiding overcrowding the pan. Fry the croquettes, turning occasionally, until they are golden brown and crispy on all sides, approximately 3-4 minutes per batch.

Step 6: Drain and Serve

Once the croquettes are cooked to perfection, use a slotted spoon to transfer them to a plate lined with paper towels to drain any excess oil. Serve the hot croquettes garnished with additional parsley if desired, alongside your favorite dipping sauce.

Serving and Storage Tips

For the best experience, serve these potato croquettes immediately while they are still hot and crispy. They make an excellent appetizer or snack, perfect for parties, family gatherings, or a cozy evening treat. If you have leftovers, store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator. To reheat, place the croquettes on a baking sheet and warm them in a preheated oven at 350°F (175°C) for about 10 minutes, or until heated through and crispy again.

Helpful Notes and Variations

Here are a few tips and variations to enhance your potato croquettes:

  • Add Cheese: Incorporate different cheeses like cheddar, mozzarella, or gouda into the potato mixture for a different flavor profile.
  • Spice it Up: For a bit of heat, add finely chopped jalapeños or a pinch of cayenne pepper to the mix.
  • Make it Vegetarian: Ensure that the Parmesan cheese used is vegetarian, or substitute with a vegetarian-friendly cheese.
  • Herb Variations: Experiment with other herbs such as chives, thyme, or dill to find your favorite combination.

According to renowned chef Julia Child, "The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook." This rings true for these indulgent potato croquettes as well—sometimes, a little indulgence is exactly what you need.

We hope you enjoy making and eating these delicious potato croquettes. They are sure to become a favorite in your household!

Golden brown potato croquettes on a plate
Golden brown potato croquettes on a plate |