Embrace the essence of summer with these Fried Strawberry Shortcake Pops 🍓. Imagine the sweet, juicy strawberries enveloped in a luscious layer of cream, all encased in a golden, crispy shell. It's a dance of textures and flavors that makes your taste buds sing. Perfect for outdoor picnics, these pops will be the highlight of your summer festivities. Whether you're a seasoned chef or new to the kitchen, this recipe promises a fun and delightful experience, making it impossible to have just one. So, tie on your apron, and let's create some magic together!

Fried Strawberry Shortcake Pops with a golden-brown coating
Fried strawberry shortcake pops with a golden-brown coating | Myhomemaderecipe.com

Indulge in the delightful combination of creamy strawberry shortcake and a crispy, fried coating with these Fried Strawberry Shortcake Pops. This unique twist on a classic dessert is perfect for summer gatherings, offering a delicious blend of textures and flavors. These popsicles are not only a treat for the taste buds but also a fun and impressive addition to any party. Follow the detailed steps below to create these delectable popsicles that are sure to be a hit with everyone.


Main Ingredients:

  • 8 oz cream cheese, 1 block: Provides the rich, creamy base for the popsicles. Ensure it is softened for easy mixing.
  • 1 cup powdered sugar: Sweetens the cream cheese mixture, creating a smooth and velvety texture.
  • 1 cup heavy cream, cold: Whipped into the cream cheese mixture to create a light and airy consistency.
  • 1 ½ cups strawberries, diced: Adds fresh, fruity flavor and a pop of color. Ensure they are diced small for even distribution.
  • 3 cups vanilla wafer crumbs: Used to coat the popsicles, providing a crunchy texture. Crush the wafers into fine crumbs.
  • 3 eggs, beaten: Acts as an egg wash to help the wafer crumbs adhere to the popsicles.
  • Oil, for frying: Use a neutral oil with a high smoke point, such as vegetable or canola oil.

Special Equipment:

  • 6 popsicle sticks: For easy handling and serving of the popsicles.
  • Popsicle mold: Essential for shaping the popsicles and ensuring they freeze properly.


Step-by-Step Directions:

  1. Prepare the Cream Cheese Mixture:
    • In a large bowl, beat the cream cheese and powdered sugar together until smooth. This step ensures a creamy and sweet base for the popsicles.
    • Pour in the cold heavy cream and beat until the mixture has reached soft peaks. This adds a light and fluffy texture to the mixture.
    • Gently fold in the diced strawberries until well incorporated. The strawberries should be evenly distributed throughout the mixture.
  2. Mold the Popsicles:
    • Pour the cream cheese and strawberry mixture into 6 popsicle molds, ensuring they are filled evenly.
    • Insert popsicle sticks into the molds and freeze for at least 8 hours, or until fully set. This step is crucial for the popsicles to hold their shape during frying.
  3. Prepare the Coating:
    • Place the vanilla wafers in a gallon-size freezer bag and smash with a rolling pin until the cookies have broken down into fine crumbs. This will create the crunchy coating for the popsicles.
    • Once the popsicles are frozen, coat them with the beaten egg wash, then roll them in the vanilla wafer crumbs. Repeat this process for a second coating to ensure a thick, even layer.
  4. Freeze Again:
    • Freeze the coated popsicles for another 30 minutes to set the coating. This step helps the coating adhere better during frying.
  5. Fry the Popsicles:
    • Heat the oil to 375°F (190°C). Ensure the oil is at the correct temperature using a thermometer to achieve a crispy and golden-brown coating.
    • While holding the end of the popsicle stick (or using a reliable pair of tongs), dip the popsicle into the hot oil and hold for 10 seconds. Be sure to wear heat-resistant gloves when frying the popsicles for safety.
    • Immediately after removing the popsicle from the oil, pat both sides with a paper towel to absorb any excess oil.
  6. Freeze Until Serving:
    • Freeze the fried popsicles immediately until ready to serve. This step ensures they maintain their shape and texture.
    • Serve these delightful and unique treats straight from the freezer. Enjoy the crispy, creamy, and fruity goodness of each bite!

Serving Tips and Useful Notes

  • Use Fresh Ingredients: Fresh, high-quality strawberries and cream cheese will provide the best flavor and texture for your popsicles.
  • Be Patient: Ensure each freezing step is followed thoroughly to maintain the integrity of the popsicles during frying.
  • Wear Safety Gear: When frying the popsicles, wear heat-resistant gloves and use tongs to avoid burns. The oil should be hot but not smoking.
  • Customize the Coating: Experiment with different coatings such as crushed graham crackers, cookies, or even cereal for a unique twist.
  • Serve Immediately: For the best texture and flavor, serve the fried popsicles immediately after frying and freezing. They are best enjoyed fresh.
  • Storage: If you have leftovers, store them in an airtight container in the freezer for up to one week. Allow them to thaw slightly before serving.
Fried Strawberry Shortcake Pops with a golden-brown coating
Fried Strawberry Shortcake Pops with a golden-brown coating | Myhomemaderecipe.com