Enjoy the rich and savory flavors of Cowboy Mushrooms, a simple and delicious side dish perfect for any occasion. These white button mushrooms are sautéed in a flavorful cowboy butter, creating a tender and golden dish that's both satisfying and easy to make. Whether served alongside grilled meats or as a topping for a variety of dishes, Cowboy Mushrooms bring a depth of flavor to your meal. Customize the cowboy butter with your favorite herbs and spices to make this dish truly your own. Best served hot and fresh, these mushrooms are a delightful addition to any table.

Cowboy Mushrooms
Cowboy mushrooms | Myhomemaderecipe.com

Cowboy Mushrooms are a delicious and easy-to-make side dish, perfect for complementing any meal. These tender white button mushrooms are cooked in rich and flavorful cowboy butter, making them a savory delight. The combination of buttery goodness and perfectly sautéed mushrooms creates a dish that's both simple and irresistible. Let's explore the ingredients you'll need to prepare this flavorful dish.


  • White Button Mushrooms: 2 pounds, cleaned, providing a mild and earthy base for the dish.
  • Cowboy Butter: A double recipe, offering a rich and savory flavor with herbs and spices.
  • Salt: To taste, enhancing the natural flavors of the mushrooms and butter.


Step 1:
In a large skillet over medium heat, add the double recipe of cowboy butter. Allow the butter to melt completely, ensuring it is evenly spread across the skillet.
Step 2:
Add the cleaned white button mushrooms to the skillet. Stir the mushrooms gently to coat them evenly with the melted butter.
Step 3:
Continue to cook the mushrooms, stirring occasionally, for about 20-22 minutes. The mushrooms should become tender and develop a beautiful golden color as they cook.
Step 4:
Season the mushrooms with salt to taste, adjusting the seasoning as needed to enhance the flavors.
Step 5:
Serve the Cowboy Mushrooms hot, either as a side dish or as a delicious topping for steak, chicken, or any other main course.

Serving and Storage Tips

Cowboy Mushrooms are best served hot, straight from the skillet. They make an excellent side dish for grilled meats, steaks, or roasted chicken, adding a rich and flavorful touch to any meal. For a complete presentation, garnish with freshly chopped parsley or chives. If you have leftovers, store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. To reheat, warm the mushrooms in a skillet over medium heat until heated through, or microwave them in short intervals, stirring in between.

Helpful Notes

The cowboy butter can be customized to your taste preferences. You can add a touch of heat with red pepper flakes or cayenne pepper. For a more herby flavor, mix in fresh herbs like thyme, rosemary, or oregano. These mushrooms can also be a great addition to pasta dishes, salads, or as a topping for toasted bread. Feel free to experiment with the seasoning to create your perfect blend.

Tips from well-known chefs

Chef Gordon Ramsay suggests not overcrowding the skillet to ensure the mushrooms cook evenly and develop a nice golden color.

Chef Julia Child recommends using high-quality butter for the best flavor, as it plays a crucial role in the dish's richness.

Chef Jamie Oliver advises adding a splash of white wine or lemon juice at the end of cooking to add a fresh and tangy note to the dish.

Cowboy Mushrooms
Cowboy Mushrooms | Myhomemaderecipe.com