The Raspberry Cream Cheese Crescent Ring is a delightful pastry perfect for any special occasion or holiday breakfast. To make this delicious treat, start by preheating your oven to 375°F and lining a baking sheet with parchment paper. Unroll two tubes of crescent roll dough and arrange the triangles in a circle with the pointed ends facing outward. In a mixing bowl, beat together softened cream cheese, granulated sugar, and vanilla extract until smooth. Spread this mixture over the wide ends of the dough. Spoon raspberry preserves over the cream cheese layer and sprinkle fresh raspberries and sliced almonds on top. Fold the pointed ends of the dough over the filling to form a ring. Bake for 15-20 minutes until golden brown. Once baked, dust the crescent ring with powdered sugar before serving. This pastry combines the creamy texture of the filling with the tartness of raspberries and the crunch of almonds, making it a perfect addition to your dessert table.

Raspberry Cream Cheese Crescent Ring
Raspberry cream cheese crescent ring |

Raspberry Cream Cheese Crescent Ring is a delightful dessert that's perfect for holidays, brunches, or any special occasion. Below are the detailed ingredients you need to create this beautiful and delicious pastry.


  • Crescent Rolls: 2 tubes (8 ounces each). These form the base of the ring, providing a flaky and tender pastry.
  • Cream Cheese: 1 package (8 ounces), softened. This creates a rich and creamy filling.
  • Granulated Sugar: 1/4 cup. Sweetens the cream cheese mixture.
  • Vanilla Extract: 1 teaspoon. Adds a subtle vanilla flavor to the filling.
  • Raspberry Preserves: 3/4 cup. Provides a sweet and tart raspberry flavor.
  • Fresh Raspberries: 1/2 cup. Adds freshness and texture to the filling.
  • Sliced Almonds: 1/4 cup. Adds a crunchy texture and nutty flavor.
  • Powdered Sugar: 1 tablespoon. Used for dusting the finished pastry.


Step 1: Precalentar el Horno
Precalienta el horno a 375°F (190°C). Forra una bandeja para hornear con papel pergamino.
Step 2: Preparar la Masa
Desenrolla la masa de los rollos de media luna y sepáralos en triángulos. Coloca los triángulos en un círculo en la bandeja preparada, con los extremos puntiagudos hacia afuera y los extremos anchos superpuestos ligeramente.
Step 3: Mezcla de Queso Crema
En un bol, bate el queso crema, el azúcar granulada y el extracto de vainilla hasta que la mezcla esté suave y cremosa.
Step 4: Agregar la Mezcla de Queso Crema
Extiende la mezcla de queso crema uniformemente sobre los extremos anchos de la masa de los rollos de media luna.
Step 5: Añadir Conservas y Frutas
Coloca las conservas de frambuesa sobre la mezcla de queso crema, luego espolvorea con frambuesas frescas y almendras laminadas.
Step 6: Formar el Anillo
Doble los extremos puntiagudos de los rollos de media luna sobre el relleno y mételos debajo de los extremos anchos para sellar, formando un anillo.
Step 7: Hornear
Hornea en el horno precalentado durante 15-20 minutos, o hasta que la masa de los rollos de media luna esté dorada y bien cocida.
Step 8: Enfriar y Decorar
Retira del horno y deja enfriar ligeramente en la bandeja. Espolvorea el anillo de crema de frambuesa y queso crema con azúcar en polvo antes de servir.

Serving and Storage Tips

  • Serve the Raspberry Cream Cheese Crescent Ring slightly warm for the best flavor. It pairs wonderfully with a cup of coffee or tea.
  • To enhance the presentation, drizzle some additional raspberry preserves over the top before serving.
  • Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat individual slices in the microwave for about 10-15 seconds to enjoy them warm.
  • If you plan to make this dessert ahead of time, you can assemble the ring and refrigerate it unbaked for up to 24 hours. Bake it fresh before serving.

Helpful Notes

  • For a more pronounced almond flavor, you can add a few drops of almond extract to the cream cheese mixture.
  • Make sure the cream cheese is fully softened before mixing to ensure a smooth and creamy filling.
  • If fresh raspberries are not available, you can use frozen raspberries. Thaw and drain them well before using to avoid excess moisture in the filling.

Tips from Well-Known Chefs

  • Chef Ina Garten: "Always use the best quality ingredients you can find; it makes a noticeable difference in simple recipes like this one."
  • Chef Gordon Ramsay: "Ensure the crescent roll dough is well-chilled before assembling to make it easier to handle."
  • Chef Jamie Oliver: "Experiment with different fruit preserves or fresh fruits for a variety of flavors. Blueberries or strawberries work wonderfully in this recipe as well."
Raspberry Cream Cheese Crescent Ring
Raspberry Cream Cheese Crescent Ring |