01 -
Scrub the lemons thoroughly, especially if they're not organic or unwaxed (use warm soapy water for waxed lemons). Dry the skins, then cut the lemons in half and squeeze out the juice. Set the juice aside for later use.
02 -
Using a sturdy metal spoon, scrape out the fibrous parts from each lemon half, leaving the white pith that adheres to the rind intact. Cut the peel into strips about 6mm (¼ inch) wide.
03 -
Place the peel strips in a large pan and cover well with water. Bring to a boil and cook for about 5 minutes, then drain. Repeat this process twice more using fresh water each time. This helps remove bitterness from the peel.
04 -
In a saucepan, gently heat the sugar and water, stirring until the sugar has completely dissolved. Add the cloves or cardamom pods (if using) and 1 tablespoon of the reserved lemon juice to the syrup.
05 -
Add the drained peel strips to the syrup and simmer for about 45 minutes, or until the peel has turned translucent. The syrup will thicken as it cooks.
06 -
Drain the syrup from the peels (you can keep this flavored syrup for using in other recipes or pouring over ice cream).
07 -
Arrange the candied peel strips on a rack lined with greaseproof paper and leave to dry for 24 hours in a cool, dry place.
08 -
Once dried, you can roll the peel strips in caster sugar if desired. This step is especially recommended if you're not planning to coat them in chocolate later, but adds a nice texture and finish either way.
09 -
Store the candied lemon peel in an airtight container where it will keep for at least six months. Alternatively, package into decorative jars or cellophane bags for gifting.